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  • Retrain Nigeria
  • 24 Jan, 2025
  • 7 Mins Read

Crack Your Interview Anxiety by Boosting Self Confidence

If you are thinking “career upgrade”, “career advancement” or “skill upgrade” you should most definitely be thinking “interviews” – lots of them!

As much as upskilling is important to a person’s career, one step that can make you live in the reality of the upskilling you’ve worked towards is interviewing.

Interviews could be one of the most stressful experiences in one’s professional life. The fear of being judged based on how you speak, what you say, your response, interaction skills can be daunting. In addition, the uncertainty of questions and the pressure to make a good impression can leave many candidates feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

However, the good news is that with the right mindset and preparation, you can overcome or better still handle these fears and confidently face any interview. ReTrain will be giving you some tips on how to conquer interview anxiety and approach your next interview with a sense of calm and self-assurance.


Identify the Root of Your Anxiety

 Albert Einstein once said “if I had an hour to solve a problem, I’ll spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions’’. This tells us the importance of identifying anxiety root cause.

Causes of anxiety are endless, each most times tailored to individuals, but nevertheless, there are a few common ones we will discuss with you today.


Fear of rejection: This alone is enough to ruin whatever preparation was already done. It’s the concern that you might not land the job regardless of how much effort you put into it resulting in significant pressure.


Fear of uncertainty: Not knowing what questions to expect or how best to answer them leading to feelings of insecurity.


Fear of judgement: Being judged by your claimed skills and experiences based on your CV can make you feel intimidated especially if you already think your skills or experiences are not enough to get the job.


Aiming for perfectionism: wanting to present yourself flawlessly or as someone you’re not.

Identifying the cause(s) of your anxiety will surely help in solving. We suggest you take some time and identify which of these causes are applicable. Regardless of the cause of your anxiety, these techniques will help you manage them effectively and make a good impression during interviews.


Embrace Thorough Preparation

One of the most effective and efficient ways to combat interview anxiety is to prepare thoroughly. The more you prepare the more confident you become. It’s very similar to studying for an exam. The more you read, the more you know as you become more familiar with the subject matter. Here are few steps to help you get ready:

  • Research the company: There’s no better feeling than knowing the correct details about where you are going. The confidence that comes with this is unmatched. Understand the company’s mission, values, products and industry, which will help in tailoring your responses appropriately.
  • Practice common interview questions: There are so many available sources for this – Google, AI, YouTube, etc.. Expect certain staple questions like “Tell me about yourself”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “Why should we hire you?”.
  • Use the situational questions: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers to behavioral questions.
  • Have your own questions ready: Ask questions, no matter how simple, this shows your genuine interest in the company. Ensure that these questions demonstrate your interest in adding value to the company and not questions about what the company can do for you (salary, work mode, working hours, etc.).

The more familiar you are with these steps we’ve laid out for you, the more naturally you’ll respond, helping ease your nerves.


Practice Relaxation Techniques

 Sometimes, the mere thought of an interview can lead to increased heartbeat, sweaty palms and sometimes runny stomach. Learning relaxation techniques can help ease these physical symptoms of anxiety and calm your nerves. We do recommend trying these techniques listed below:

  • Deep breathing exercises: Inhale deeply through your nose for four seconds, hold on for four seconds and exhale slowly for four seconds. Repeat this as much as needed to lower stress levels.
  • Visualisation: Before the interview, close your eyes and imagine yourself walking into the organisation with confidence, getting directed to the interview room, answering questions smoothly and leaving with a sense of accomplishment. Visualisation can boost your confidence and create a positive mindset.
  • Mindfulness: Practice being fully present in the moment, like a famous author once said, “be where your feet are”. Focus on your breathing or the sensations of your surroundings to keep your mind from wandering into negative thoughts.

These simple techniques can help calm your nerves, allowing you to be present and focus on the task at hand.


Reframe Negative Thoughts 

When it comes to being interviewed negative thoughts are a common. You worry about not looking presentable, about failing, making a mistake – which are all totally normal. One way to combat these thoughts is by reframing them in a more positive light. For example:

  • Instead of thinking “I don’t think I can do well” reframe it as “I believe in my preparations, I have studied and I can handle any questions they throw at me”.
  • Instead of thinking “They might not like me enough” reframe it as “I believe in my skills and experience and how valuable they can be to the company”.

Thinking big and controlling your thoughts can make a major difference in how you approach the interview. Positive self-talk helps you feel more capable and less intimidated by the process.


 Shift Your Perspective on the Interview

 Interviews are often viewed as high-pressure situations where you are judged and evaluated. However, shifting your perspective can help reduce the fear:

  • View it as a conversation: Instead of thinking of it as formal “test”, view the interview as a conversation where both you and the interviewer are trying to determine if there’s a good fit. This mindset can alleviate much of the pressure.
  • Focus on learning: Learning never ends so remember that interviews are a valuable opportunity to learn more about the company, the role and the people you would be working with. Even if you don’t get the job, the experiences you gained can and will be extremely valuable for future opportunities.
  • See it as a two-way street: The interview is as much an opportunity for you to access if the company is a good fit for you and if it matches what you envisioned as it is for them to assess you. When you stop thinking of interviews as a one-sided evaluation and start seeing it as an opportunity for mutual exploration, it becomes less intimidating.


Don’t Fear Mistakes

Mistakes are part of life and should be learnt from, rather than trying to avoid. It’s normal to make mistakes in an interview. After all, you are only human.

If you miss a question or forget to add a key point to your answer, don’t panic. Simply take a deep breath, acknowledge the mistake if necessary and proceed. Interviewers tend to appreciate candidates who can gracefully handle mistakes and continue like it never happened.

If you miss an answer or feel like you didn’t get to express yourself enough because you forgot a key point, it is okay to briefly clarify. For example, you can say, “Maybe I didn’t explain that as clearly as I could have; May I elaborate?”. This shows that you can quickly regroup and remain focused under pressure.


 Get Feedback from Mock Interviews

Mock interviews can be incredibly helpful in easing your nerves and boosting your confidence. Consider asking a friend, family member or mentor to conduct a mock interview with you. Not only will this allow you to practice your answers, but it will also help you get used to the interview format and receive constructive feedback.

Mock interviews can make the real interview feel less intimidating since you’ll be more accustomed to answering questions and responding to potential curveballs.


Take Care of Your Physical Wellbeing

 Your physical wellbeing plays a significant role in managing anxiety. A day before the interview ensure:

  • Get enough sleep: Ensure you get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep the night before to ensure you are alert and focused.
  • Eat a balanced meal: Avoid skipping meals or relying on soft drinks alone. A nutritious meal will keep you alert and stabilised.
  • Dress appropriately: Wearing an outfit that is comfortable can make you confident and have a big impact on how you feel during the interview. Depending on the company culture, formal or semi-formal are your best bets. Ensure you look neat and well groomed.


Key Takeaways

Interview anxiety is common and very normal, but it doesn’t have to stand in the way of your success. Identifying the root of your anxiety, embracing thorough preparation, practice relaxation techniques, reframing your thoughts, shifting your perspectives on interviews, embracing mistakes and taking care of your physical well-being can reduce stress levels to improve your performance.

Keep in mind that an interview is an opportunity to showcase your strengths and with a solid positive mindset, you will be able to walk into your next interview with confidence and poise. Good luck!